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Morin, K.A. 2018. Wavelet Transforms of Drainage from Highly Reactive Geologic Materials.  Morwijk-MDAG Publishing, Surrey, Canada.  ISBN 978-0-9952149-3-4.

Morin, K.A. 2018. Searching for Latent Variables in Minesite Drainage Using Exploratory Factor Analysis.  Morwijk-MDAG Publishing, Surrey, Canada.  ISBN 978-0-9952149-2-7.

Morin, K.A. 2016. Spectral Analysis of Drainage from Highly Reactive Geologic Materials.  Morwijk-MDAG Publishing, Surrey, Canada.  ISBN 978-0-9952149-1-0.

Morin, K.A. 2011. Minesite Drainage Chemistry: An Introduction.  Morwijk-MDAG Publishing, Surrey, Canada.  ISBN 978-0-9952149-0-3.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 2001. Environmental Geochemistry of Minesite Drainage: Practical Theory and Case Studies, Digital Edition.  PDF Version, MDAG Publishing, Vancouver, Canada.  ISBN 0-9682039-1-4

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 1997. Environmental Geochemistry of Minesite Drainage: Practical Theory and Case Studies.  Original Paper Version with Limited Availability, MDAG Publishing, Vancouver, Canada.  ISBN 0-9682039-0-6

Internet Case Studies and Essays

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The following papers are available in PDF format.

 If you are conducting research and would like to download one copy of a paper, click here.  Please respect copyright laws.

Morin, K.A. 2022. A plausible explanation for common fractal temporal-spectral slopes of drainage flows and chemistries at full-scale mining operations. European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, Presentation EGU22-6840. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6840 Note: both the shorter presentation and the expanded display-materials version are available

Ma, L., C. Huang, Z-S. Liu, K. Morin, M. Aziz and C. Meints. 2021. Prediction of Acid Rock Drainage in Waste Rock Piles Part 2: Water Flow Patterns and Leaching Process. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 242, 103862. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2021.103862

Dy, E., K. Tufa, E. Fisher, Z-S. Liu, K. Morin, M. O'Kane, T. O'Hearn, C. Huang, and W. Qu. 2021. The Relationships Between Negative Pore-Water Potential, Water Content, Relative Humidity and Sulfide Oxidation in Waste Rock - A Case Study. 14th IMWA Congress 2021, Newport, Wales, United Kingdom, 12-16 July 2021.

Paradis, M., D. Lyon, A. Lamontagne, K. Morin, F. Gauthier, and E. Desaulniers. 2021. Développement minier responsable: le modèle du projet Matawinie / Responsible Development: Matawinie Mining Project Model. Virtual Symposium 2021 on Mines and the Environment, June 14-16, Rouyn Noranda, Québec. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Ma, L., C. Huang, Z-S Liu, K.A. Morin, M. Aziz, and C. Meints. 2021. The correlation between drainage chemistry and weather for full-scale waste rock piles based on artificial neural network. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 239, 103793. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2021.103793

Ma, L., Z-S Liu, E. Dy, K. Tufa, J-Q. Zhou, E. Fisher, M. Goulet, C. Huang, and K. Morin. 2020. Additional Mechanisms and Measurements to Improve ARD/ML Prediction. IN: 2020 BC MEND ML/ARD Virtual Workshop, Challenges and Best Practices, December 1-3.

Huang, C., L. Ma, Z-S. Liu, E. Dy, K. Tufa, E. Fisher, J. Zhou, M. Goulet, K. Morin, and M. Paradis. 2020. Gas Transport inside Co-disposal of Desulfurized Tailings and Sulfidic Waste Rocks. IN: Tailings and Mine Waste 2020 Virtual Event, November 15-18, Colorado State University, Colorado, USA., p. 541-550

Ma, L., C. Huang, Z-S. Liu, K.A. Morin, E. Dy, K. Tufa, E. Fisher, J. Zhou, M. Aziz, and C. Meints. 2020. A full-scale case study on the leaching process of acid rock drainage in waste rock piles and the net infiltration through cover systems. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 231:305. Published online 11 June 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11270-020-04660-5.

Ma, L., C. Huang, Z-S. Liu, K.A. Morin, M. Aziz, and C. Meints. 2020. Artificial neural network for prediction of full-scale seepage flow rate at the Equity Silver Mine.  Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 231:179. Published online 14 April 2020.  DOI: 10.1007/s11270-020-04541-x

Morin, K.A. 2019. Application of Spectral Analysis and Wavelet Transforms to Full-Scale Dynamic Drainages at Minesites. Springer Nature (SN) Applied Sciences 1:1058, published online August 2019.  DOI: 10.1007/s42452-019-1102-3

Liu, S., L. Ma, E. Dy, Z. Xie, K. Tufa, E. Fisher, J. Zhou, K. Morin, M. Aziz, C. Meints, M. O'Kane, L. Tallon. 2019. The Characteristic Properties of Waste Rock Piles in Terms of Metal Leaching. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 226, published online August 2019.

Ma, L., C. Huang, Z. Liu, K. Morin, M. Aziz, and C. Meints. 2019. Machine learning on the correlation between weather condition and seepage rate: a case study on 20 years monitoring data from a waste rock dump. IN: 42nd British Columbia Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium, September 16-19, Kimberley, British Columbia, Canada.

Ma, L., C. Huang, Z-S. Liu, K.A. Morin, M. Aziz, and C. Meints. 2019. Prediction of Acid Rock Drainage and Metal Leaching in Waste Rock Piles. Part 1: Water Film Model for Geochemical Reactions and Application to a Full-scale Case Study. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 220, p. 98-107.

Ma, L., C. Huang, S. Liu, and K.A. Morin. 2018. Pile scale models for ARD prediction - case study on Equity Silver Mine. IN: Tailings and Mine Waste '18, Keystone, Colorado, USA, September 30 - October 2.

Liu, Z-S, C. Huang, L. Ma, E. Dy, Z. Xie, K. Tufa, E. Fisher, J. Zhou, K. Morin, M. Aziz, C. Meints, M. O'Kane, L. Tallon. 2018. Rate-control quotient of mineral dissolution from waste rock dumps. IN: 41st Annual BC Mine Reclamation Symposium, Williams Lake, British Columbia, Canada, September 17-20.

Liu, Z-S, C. Huang, L. Ma, E. Dy, Z. Xie, M. Aziz, C. Meints, K. Morin, M. O'Kane, L. Tallon. 2018. Experimental models of metal leaching for scaling-up to the field. IN: CIM 2018 Convention, Presentation 2188, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 6-9, Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Morin, K.A. 2017. Spectral analysis for identifying interactions of physical, geochemical, and biological processes creating contaminated drainages at minesites. IN: GeoOttawa 2017, the 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 12th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, October 1-4, Ottawa, Ontario.

Liu, Z-S, C. Huang, L. Ma, K.A. Morin, M. Aziz, and C. Meints. 2017. Observations and explanations from the monitoring data of Equity Silver Mine, Canada. IN: 9th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, p. 146-155, 20-23 November 2017, Burnie, Tasmania.

Morin, K.A. 2016. Fractal 1/f temporal trends in minesite drainage from waste-rock dumps. IN: 14th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference, May 16-19, Banff Center, Banff, Canada

Betrie, G.D., R. Sadiq, K.A. Morin, and S. Tesfamariam. 2015. Ecological risk assessment of acid rock drainage under uncertainty: The fugacity approach. Environmental Technology and Innovation, 4, p. 240-247.

Betrie, G.D., R. Sadiq, C. Nichol, K.A. Morin, and S. Tesfamariam. 2015. Environmental risk assessment of acid rock drainage under uncertainty: The probability bounds and PHREEQC approach. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 301, p. 187-196.

Betrie, G.D., R. Sadiq, S. Tesfamariam, and K.A. Morin. 2016; published online 2014. On the issue of incomplete and missing water-quality data in mine site databases: comparing three imputation methods. Mine Water and the Environment, 35, p. 3-9

Morin, K.A. 2014. Applicability of scaling factors to humidity-cell kinetic rates for larger-scale predictions. IN: 21st Annual BC/MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop, Challenges and Best Practices in Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage December 3-4, 2014, Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Errata: Many thanks to Francisco Ruiz Allén of Congeo for pointing out that the correct and full equation for the first equation on Page (Slide) 11 is: Kinetic Rate (mg/kg/wk) = [concentration (mg/L) * rinse-water volume (L)/week)] / mass of solid (kg)

Betrie, G.D., R. Sadiq, K.A. Morin, and S. Tesfamariam. 2014. Uncertainty quantification and integration of machine learning techniques for predicting acid rock drainage chemistry: A probability bounds approach. Science of the Total Environment, 490, p. 182-190.

Betrie, G.D., R. Sadiq, K.A. Morin, S. Tesfamariam. 2013. A multicriteria decision analysis approach for selection of remedial alternatives at mine sites. IN: A. Brown, L. Figueroa, C. Wolkersdorfer, eds., On-Line Appendix, Proceedings of the 2013 Annual International Mine Water Association Conference – Reliable Mine Water Technology, Golden, Colorado, USA, ISBN 978-0-615-79385-6.

Betrie, G.D., S. Tesfamariam, K.A. Morin, and R. Sadiq. 2013. Selection of remedial alternatives for mine sites: A multicriteria decision analysis approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 119, p. 36-46.

Betrie, G.D., S. Tesfamariam, K.A. Morin, and R. Sadiq. 2013. Predicting copper concentrations in acid mine drainage: A comparative analysis of five machine learning techniques. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185, p. 4171-4182.

Betrie, G.D., S. Rehan, K.A. Morin, S, Tesfamariam. 2012. Uncertainty analysis of an aquivalence-based fate and transport model using a hybrid fuzzy-probabilistic approach. IN: Proceedings of the 12th International Environmental Specialty Conference, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Edmonton, Alberta, June 6-9, 2012.

Morin, K.A., N.M. Hutt, and M. Aziz. 2012. Case studies of thousands of water analyses through decades of monitoring: selected observations from three minesites in British Columbia, Canada. IN: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, Ottawa, Canada, May 22-24.

Betrie, G.D., S. Tesfamariam, K. Morin, and R. Sadiq. 2012. Predicting copper concentrations in acid mine drainage: A comparative analysis of five machine learning techniques. IN: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, Ottawa, Canada, May 22-24.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 2009. Mine-water leaching of nitrogen species from explosive residues. IN: Proceedings of GeoHalifax 2009, the 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, September 20-24, p. 1549-1553.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 2006. The MEND Minewall Technique: Overview and Details. IN: Proceedings of the 13th Annual British Columbia MEND ML/ARD Workshop, Vancouver, Canada, November 29-30, 2006.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 2006. Case studies of costs and longevities of alkali-based water-treatment plants for ARD and minesite-drainage chemistry, and their implications on net-present-value estimates. IN: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, St. Louis, MO, USA, March 26-30, 2006.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 2005. Case studies and guidelines for drainage-chemistry prediction. IN: Proceedings of the 12th Annual British Columbia MEND ML/ARD Workshop, Vancouver, Canada, November 30 and December 1, 2005.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 2004. The Minewall Approach for estimating the geochemical effects of mine walls on pit lakes. Presented at Pit Lakes 2004; United States Environmental Protection Agency; Reno, Nevada; November 16-18, 2004.

Morin, K.A., N.M. Hutt, and M.L. Aziz. 2003. Variations in ARD from the Equity Silver Waste-Rock Dumps. IN: Proceedings of the 10th Annual British Columbia ML/ARD Workshop, December 2-3, Vancouver, Canada. Canadian MEND Program.

Morin, K.A., N.M. Hutt, T.S. Coulter, and W.M. Tekano. 2003. Case study of non-mining prediction and control of acid rock drainage - the Vancouver Island Highway Project. IN: T. Farrell and G. Taylor, eds., Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, July 14-17, Cairns, Australia, p. 495-501. The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Morin, K.A. 2003. Problems with acid rock drainage predictions at the Ekati Diamond Mine, Northwest Territories, Canada. IN: T. Farrell and G. Taylor, eds., Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, July 14-17, Cairns, Australia, p. 663-670. The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Morin, K.A., and N.M Hutt. 2001. Relocation of net-acid-generating waste to improve post-mining water chemistry. Waste Management, Vol. 21, p. 185-190.

Morin, K.A., and N.M Hutt. 2001. Prediction of water chemistry in mine lakes: The minewall technique. Ecological Engineering, Vol. 17, p. 125 - 132.

Morin, K.A., and N.M Hutt. 2001. Prediction of minesite-drainage chemistry through closure. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 73, p. 123-130.

Morin, K.A., N.M. Hutt, and S. Hutt. 2001. A compilation of empirical drainage-chemistry models (EDCMs). IN: Proceedings of Securing the Future, International Conference on Mining and the Environment, Skellefteå, Sweden, June 25-July 1, Volume 2, p. 556-565. The Swedish Mining Association.

Morin, K.A., N.M. Hutt, W.A. Price, and V. Coffin. 2001. Violation of common ABA prediction rules by molybdenum-related minesites in British Columbia. IN: Proceedings of Securing the Future, International Conference on Mining and the Environment, Skellefteå, Sweden, June 25-July 1, Volume 2, p. 566-575. The Swedish Mining Association.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 2001. A comparison of past predictions to current conditions at Bell Mine, British Columbia, Canada. IN: Proceedings of Securing the Future, International Conference on Mining and the Environment, Skellefteå, Sweden, June 25-July 1, Volume 2, p. 576-585. The Swedish Mining Association.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 2001. The Gaia Theorem and minesite-drainage chemistry: implications and observations. IN: Proceedings of Securing the Future, International Conference on Mining and the Environment, Skellefteå, Sweden, June 25-July 1, Volume 2, p. 586-593. The Swedish Mining Association.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 2000. Case studies in metal solubility at minesites. Presented at the 7th Annual British Columbia Metal Leaching/ARD Workshop, Vancouver, November 29-30.  MEND 2000 and the British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 2000. Lessons learned from long-term and large-batch humidity cells. IN: Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, May 20-26, Denver, USA, Volume I, p. 661-671. Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Littleton, CO, USA.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 2000. Discrete-zone mixing of net-acid-neutralizing and net-acid-generating rock: Avoiding the argument over appropriate ratios. IN: Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, May 20-26, Denver, USA, Volume II, p. 797-803. Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Littleton, CO, USA.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 2000. Relocation and submergence of net-acid-generating waste rock for control of acidic drainage: A case study. IN: Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, May 20-26, Denver, USA, Volume II, p. 819-825. Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Littleton, CO, USA.

Hutt, N.M., and K.A. Morin. 2000. Observations and lessons from the International Static Database (ISD) on neutralizing capacity. IN: Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, May 20-26, Denver, USA, Volume I, p. 603-611. Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Littleton, CO, USA.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 1999. Geochemical Characterization of molybdenum leaching from rock and tailings at the Brenda Minesite, British Columbia. IN: W.A. Price, B. Hart, and C. Howell, eds., Proceedings of the 1999 Workshop on Molybdenum Issues in Reclamation, September 24, Kamloops, British Columbia, p.76-85.

Hutt, N.M., and K.A. Morin. 1999. The International Static Database. IN: Conference Proceedings of Sudbury '99 (Mining and the Environment II), September 1999, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, Volume 1, p. 363-370.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 1999. Humidity Cells: How Many? How Long?  IN: Conference Proceedings of Sudbury '99 (Mining and the Environment II), September 1999, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, Volume 1, p.109-117.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 1999. Prediction of drainage chemistry in post-mining landscapes using operational monitoring data. Ecology of Post-Mining Landscapes, 15-19 March 1999, Cottbus, Germany.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 1999. Predictions of water chemistry in acid-mine lakes: the Minewall technique. Ecology of Post-Mining Landscapes, 15-19 March 1999, Cottbus, Germany.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 1999. Relocation of net-acid-generating waste rock to improve post-mining water chemistry. Ecology of Post-Mining Landscapes, 15-19 March 1999, Cottbus, Germany.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 1998. Kinetic tests and risk assessment for ARD. Presented at the 5th Annual British Columbia Metal Leaching and ARD Workshop, 9-10 December 1998, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 1997. A comparison of AMD predictions with historical records. IN: Proceedings of the Workshop on Acid Mine Drainage, 15-18 July, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, Australian Centre for Minesite Rehabilitation Research, p.33-44.

Price, W.A., K.A. Morin, and N.M. Hutt. 1997. Guidelines for the prediction of acid rock drainage and metal leaching for mines in British Columbia: Part II. Recommended procedures for static and kinetic testing. IN: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, May 31-June 6, Vancouver, Canada, Volume I., p. 15-30.

Morin, K.A., N.M. Hutt, and K.D. Ferguson. 1996. The International Kinetic Database: Rates of acid generation, neutralization, and metal leaching from mines around the world. IN: Proceedings of the 3rd International and 21st Annual Minerals Council of Australia Environmental Workshop, October 14-18, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, Volume 1, p.132-148.

Morin, K.A., N.M. Hutt, and K.D. Ferguson. 1995. Measured rates of copper and zinc leaching in the International Kinetic Database. IN: Proceedings of the 19th Annual British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium, Dawson Creek, B.C., June 19-23, p.255-263.

Morin, K.A., N.M. Hutt, and I.A. Horne. 1995. Prediction of future water chemistry from Island Copper Mine's On-Land Dumps. IN: Proceedings of the 19th Annual British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium, Dawson Creek, B.C., June 19-23, p. 224-233.

Morin, K.A., N.M. Hutt, and K.D. Ferguson. 1995. Measured rates of sulfide oxidation and acid neutralization in humidity cells: Statistical lessons from the database. IN: Proceedings of the Conference on Mining and the Environment, Sudbury, Ontario, May 28 - June 1, Volume 2, p.525-536.

Morin, K.A., N.M. Hutt, and R. McArthur. 1995. Statistical assessment of past water chemistry to predict future chemistry at Noranda Minerals' Bell Mine. IN: Proceedings of the Conference on Mining and the Environment, Sudbury, Ontario, May 28 - June 1, Volume 3, p.925-934.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 1995. MINEWALL 2.0: A technique for predicting water chemistry in open-pit and underground mines. IN: Proceedings of the Conference on Mining and the Environment, Sudbury, Ontario, May 28 - June 1, Volume 3, p.1007-1016.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 1994. An empirical technique for predicting the chemistry of water seeping from mine-rock piles. IN: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, April 24-29, Volume 1, p.12-19.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 1994. Observed preferential depletion of neutralization potential over sulfide minerals in kinetic tests: Site-specific criteria for safe NP/AP ratios. IN: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, April 24-29, Volume 1, p.148-156.

Morin, K.A., I.A. Horne, and D. Riehm. 1994. High-frequency geochemical monitoring of toe seepage from mine-rock dumps, BHP Minerals' Island Copper Mine, British Columbia. IN: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, April 24-29, Volume 1, p.346-354.

Morin, K.A., C.E. Jones, and R.P. van Dyk. 1994. Internal hydrogeologic monitoring of an acidic waste-rock dump at Westmin Resources' Myra Falls Operations, British Columbia. IN: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, April 24-29, Volume 1, p.355-364.

Morin, K.A., N.M. Hutt, and R. McArthur. 1994. Prediction of minewater chemistry from available monitoring data, Noranda Minerals' Bell Mine, British Columbia. IN: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, April 24-29, Volume 2, p.422.

Morin, K.A. 1994. Prediction of water chemistry in open pits during operation and after closure. IN: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium, Vernon, British Columbia, April 11-14, p. 72-86.

Morin, K.A., and N.M. Hutt. 1993. The use of routine monitoring data for assessment and prediction of water chemistry. IN: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium, Port Hardy, British Columbia, May 4-7, p.191-201. Mining Association of British Columbia.

Morin, K.A., I.A. Horne, and D. Flather. 1993. The appropriate geochemical monitoring of toe seepage from a mine-rock dump. IN: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium, Port Hardy, British Columbia, May 4-7, p.119-129. Mining Association of British Columbia.

Morin, K.A. 1993. Rates of sulfide oxidation in submerged environments: Implications for subaqueous disposal. IN: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium, Port Hardy, British Columbia, May 4-7, p.235-247. Mining Association of British Columbia.

Morin, K.A., E. Gerencher, C.E. Jones, and R. van Dyk. 1991. Hydrogeological investigation of several acid generating mine components at the Westmin Myra Falls Minesite. IN: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage, Montreal, Quebec, September 16-18.

Ferguson, K.D., and K.A. Morin. 1991. The prediction of acid rock drainage - Lessons from the database. IN: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage, Montreal, Quebec, September 16-18, Volume 3, p.85-106.

Konasewich, D.E., E. Gerencher, and K.A. Morin. 1990. Hydrogeological assessments and development of ARD control technology for Myra Falls waste rock. IN: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium, Cranbrook, British Columbia, June 20-21.

Morin, K.A. 1990. A case study of data quality in routine chemical analyses of acid mine drainage. IN: Acid Mine Drainage - Designing for Closure, Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, May 16-18, p.415-425.

Morin, K.A. 1990. Problems and proposed solutions in predicting acid drainage with acid-base accounting. IN: Acid Mine Drainage - Designing for Closure, Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, May 16-18, p.93-107, p.93-107.

Konasewich, D.E., C.E. Jones, E. Gerencher, and K.A. Morin. 1990. Hydrogeological investigation of coal tar contamination at a former coal gasification facility. IN: Conference on Subsurface Contamination by Immiscible Fluids, International Association of Hydrogeologists, Calgary, Alberta, April 18-20.

Morin, K.A., C.L. Ott, S.J. Day, and R.A. Hawes. 1989. A practical approach to testing for acid mine drainage in the mine planning and approval process. IN: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium.

Flather, D., and K.A. Morin. 1989. Storage of hazardous substances including PCBs: Special Considerations. Presented at: Western Canadian Storage Tank Management and Environmental Liability, The Canadian Institute, December 1 and 4.

Morin, K.A., J.A. Cherry, N.K. Davé, T.P. Lim, and A.J. Vivyurka. 1988. Migration of acidic groundwater seepage from uranium-tailings impoundments, 1. Field study and conceptual hydrogeochemical model. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2, p.271-303.

Morin, K.A., J.A. Cherry, N.K. Davé, T.P. Lim, and A.J. Vivyurka. 1988. Migration of acidic groundwater seepage from uranium-tailings impoundments, 2. Geochemical behavior of radionuclides in groundwater. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2, p.305-322.

Morin, K.A., and J.A. Cherry. 1988. Migration of acidic groundwater seepage from uranium-tailings impoundments, 3. Simulation of the conceptual model with application to Seepage Area A. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2, p.323-342.

Morin, K.A., and J.A. Cherry. 1988. Field investigation of a small-diameter, cylindrical, contaminated groundwater plume emanating from a pyritic uranium-tailings impoundment. ASTM Special Publication STP 963, Ground-Water Contamination, p.416-429.

Morin, K.A. 1988. A critical examination of the condition of electroneutrality in groundwater. IN: Proceedings of the International Groundwater Symposium of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 1-4, 1988, p.157-164.

Morin, K.A. 1988. Groundwater contamination from precious-metal, base metal, uranium, and potash mining operations. IN: Proceedings of the International Groundwater Symposium of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 1-4, 1988, p.165-174.

Morin, K.A. 1988. Physical and chemical hydrogeology of uranium tailings in Canada and the United States of America. IN: Proceedings of the International Groundwater Symposium of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 1-4, 1988, p.175-187.

Morin, K.A., and J.A. Cherry. 1988. Variations in natural-decay-series disequilibrium along groundwater flowpaths. IN: Proceedings of the International Groundwater Symposium of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 1-4, 1988, p.189-200.

Morin, K.A. 1987. Common computerized methods for calculating aqueous speciation. IN: Proceedings of the U.S. EPA Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia, October 15-16, 1987, edited by H. C. Torno.

Morin, K.A., and J.A. Cherry. 1986. Trace amounts of siderite near a uranium-tailings impoundment, Elliot Lake, Ontario, and its implication in controlling contaminant migration in a sand aquifer. Chemical Geology, 56, p.117-134.

Morin, K.A. 1986. Validity of redox measurements in hydrogeologic studies. IN: Third Canadian Hydrogeologic Conference, International Association of Hydrogeologists, April 21-23, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, compiled by G. Van der Kamp and M. Madunicky.

Morin, K.A. 1985. Simplified explanations and examples of common computerized methods for calculating chemical equilibrium in water. Computers & Geosciences, 11, p.409-416.

Dubrovsky, N.M., K.A. Morin, J.A. Cherry, and D.J.A. Smyth. 1984. Uranium tailings acidification and subsurface contaminant migration in a sand aquifer. Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada, 19, p.55-89.

Morin, K.A., J.A. Cherry, T.P. Lim, and A.J. Vivyurka. 1982. Contaminant migration in a sand aquifer near an inactive tailings impoundment, Elliot Lake, Ontario. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 19, p.49-62. (Awarded the 1983 Canadian Geotechnical Society Prize for best paper.)

Cherry, J.A., T.A. Shepherd, and K.A. Morin. 1982. Chemical composition and geochemical behavior of contaminant groundwater at uranium tailings impoundments. SME-AIME Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, February, 1982. Preprint 82-114.

Davé, N.K., T.P. Lim, A.J. Vivyurka, N.M. Dubrovsky, K.A. Morin, D.J.A. Smyth, R.W. Gillham, and J.A. Cherry. 1982. Hydrogeochemical evolution of an inactive pyritic uranium tailings basin and retardation of contaminant migration in a surrounding aquifer. International Atomic Energy Agency, Conference on Uranium Waste Management, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May, 1982, IAEA-SM-262/14.

Rehm, B.W., G.H. Groenewold, and K.A. Morin. 1980. Hydraulic properties of coal and related materials, Northern Great Plains. Ground Water, 18, p.551-561.


The following theses are available in PDF format.

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Morin, K.A. 1983. Prediction Of Subsurface Contaminant Transport In Acidic Seepage From Uranium Tailings Impoundments. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Ontario. Supervisor: Dr. John A. Cherry.

Morin, K.A. 1979. The Geohydrology And Hydrogeochemistry Of The Proposed Garrison Lignite Mine, North Dakota. M.S. Thesis, University of North Dakota. Supervisor: Dr. Lee Clayton.

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