HomeBook: Environmental GeochemistryBook: An IntroductionBook: Spectral AnalysisBook: WaveletsMDAG PapersMDAG IKD DatabaseMDAG Grain 3.0Minewall 3

Searching for Latent Variables in Minesite Drainage
Using Exploratory Factor Analysis
ISBN 978-0-9952149-2-7
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The free book released in 2018 entitled, "Searching for Latent Variables in Minesite Drainage Using Exploratory Factor Analysis" (ISBN 978-0-9952149-2-7), is available for download here at MDAG.com (see the download link below).

The drainages of subsurface and surficial waters from full-scale minesite components can be dynamic, complex, and non-linear, both physically (with flow) and geochemically (with aqueous concentrations of elements). This occurs because minesite components are “open” systems. They respond in complex ways to seemingly countless physical, chemical, and biological processes in and around them, and to fluxes like water, air, solar irradiation, and geothermal heat.

Signs of this in minesite-drainage databases include fractal patterns, self-similarity, scale invariance, power laws, lognormal distributions, and temporal 1-over-f spectral slopes. Monitoring data have shown some processes and fluxes are self-organized.

We know these processes and fluxes occur, but which ones have significant short-term or long-term effects on the drainages? Can we identify some not yet well documented?

This book contains a search to reveal hidden latent factors affecting minesite drainage, using a statistical technique called Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). The substantial strengths and weaknesses of EFA, particularly for non-linear scale-invariant environmental data with some missing values, led to mixed results for the search.

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HomeBook: Environmental GeochemistryBook: An IntroductionBook: Spectral AnalysisBook: WaveletsMDAG PapersMDAG IKD DatabaseMDAG Grain 3.0Minewall 3

Created by K.Morin